© Citroën Car Club of South Africa
Walkerville, South Africa
The Citroën Car Club was founded in 1978 with 5 members and caters for all Citroen models, from the oldest to the latest. We are a very active club with regular outings to Places of Interest, Picnics, Breakfast Runs, Treasure Hunts and Motor Shows.
We join in and help with Charity Drives whenever feasable.
Over the years we have taken part in numerous tours around the country and abroad.
We promote involvement of the whole family in a social atmosphere as well as catering for the Technical Interests of our members.
A Club meeting is held regularly on Saturday afternoons preceded with a braai. The venue is our Club House, Plot 72, Walkerville. Notification of scheduled meetings is distributed by the Club Secretary.
The Club Shop has a variety of articles for sale, such as Club car badges, brooches, shirts, posters etc.
A regular Newsletter “Citroen News” is sent to all members, with upcoming events, articles of interest and Members’ news.

The Citroën Car Club of South Africa is a member of South African Motor Club Association (SAMCA)